We provide the following security measures out-of-the-box and for every plan:
Let's Encrypt SSL Certificates
We fully support the Let's Encrypt initiative, and provide free certificate integration from our Dashboard.
Web Application Firewall
We transparently scan and filter every incoming request on the application layer.
Brute-force login blocking
We block per IP in case of multiple failed login attempts.
Full malware scanning and report
We transparently scan, detect and block malware and other WordPress vulnerabilities and provide detailed report.
Cleanup, and post-mortem analysis
In case of a security incident, we perform a clean-up, bring back your WordPress site, conduct a full post-mortem analysis and report our results back to you.
Managed software & security updates
We proactively install WordPress security updates, after testing them to ensure proper operation.
In addition the following measures are available (restrictions might apply based on the current active subscription plan):
Geo-blocking per IP or geographical region
We can Block an entire geographical region, or a set of IPs.