You can use our Geo-Blocking feature to block specific countries from accessing any of your sites.ย This might be useful in case your website gets potentially malicious traffic from a specific country or for business reasons (e.g. your web store does not operate in some countries and you prefer to have access blocked).
Note: We are gradually rolling out the ability to block countries via the
Dashboard, if the related section is not yet available to your Dashboard, please open a support ticket stating the countries you want to have blocked and our support team will proceed to configure the Web Application Firewall accordingly.
To block website access to one or more countries:
Navigate to the Firewall screen.
Locate the Geo Blocking section.
Click Block Countries to display the related modal dialog.
Select one or more countries to block. You can use the search box to filter the list based on the country name.
Click Save Changes.
A background job will be created to update the firewall configuration.
To unblock website access to one or more countries
Option A
Navigate to the Firewall screen.
Locate the Geo Blocking section.
Locate (or search) for the country name in the list panel.
Click on the country name to display the actions menu.
Click Unblock and confirm the removal. A background job will be created to update the firewall configuration.
Option B
Navigate to the Firewall screen.
Locate the Geo Blocking section.
Click Block Countries to display the related modal dialog.
Select one or more countries to unblock. You can use the search box to filter the list based on the country name.
Click Save Changes. A background job will be created to update the firewall configuration.
A background job will be created to update the firewall configuration.
The list might contain entries added by our platform team (indicated with a "lock" icon in the UI). These entries cannot be deleted via the Dashboard. You will need to contact our support team and request the entry to be removed.
Blocked visitors will see a 403 Forbidden error (
The number of countries you can block varies based on your active subscription plan.