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Manage role-based Dashboard users

Create, edit, delete Dashboard users / team members.

Written by Admin account
Updated over 2 months ago

In order to create new Dashboard users you must be an Account Owner / Team Owner or Account Administrator / Team Administrator. Please read about the different Roles and Permissions of Portal Users, before creating any new accounts.

Managing users using the Pressidium Dashboard

Create / Invite a new team user

  1. Select the Team menu option from the Dashboard sidebar.

  2. Enter the email of the new team member. Make sure it's a valid email address as an invitation notification will be send to this address.

  3. Select the desired user role: Team Admin, Website Admin or Billing Admin. A Team Admin has full access to your account so use this role with care and assign it only to team members you fully trust. A Billing Admin has access only to billing information, invoice downloads and payment settings. A Website Admin can have full access to all websites (including the ability to create, delete or clone) or you can restrict access to one or more websites. To restrict access to specific website(s) (effectively creating a Website Manager) select No in Should they be able to create, delete and clone websites? and pick the desired websites from the selection box.  

  4.  Click Send Invitation. An email invitation to join the team will be send to the new member. The user should accept / confirm the invitation to become member of the team.

Edit user / Modify Role

  1. Select the Team menu option from the Dashboard sidebar.

  2. Locate the user you want to modify from the Team members list.

  3. Click Edit.

  4. Make any necessary updates (Role change, Website restrictions etc.)

  5. Click Update to confirm the updates.

Delete user

  1. Select the Team menu option from the Dashboard sidebar.

  2. Locate the user you want to modify from the Team members list.

  3. Click Remove.

  4. Confirm the user removal by clicking Yes, remove.


  • Any user with access to your website will also have access to the website’s phpMyadmin interface and will be able to make database changes. 

  • You cannot change a team member's email address. You can add/invite the user using the new email and remove the team member with the old email address when no longer needed.

  • Dashboard users do not have a WordPress account. If you want to grant them access to your WordPress administration dashboard (/wp-admin backend), you’ll need to login your WordPress administration dashboard (/wp-admin) and create a user for them.

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