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Switch your PHP runtime

Choose different PHP-engine versions for production and staging.

Written by Admin account
Updated over 4 years ago

Pressidium supports running different PHP versions for each website and environment. To switch your PHP version:

Using the Pressidium Dashboard

  1. Navigate to the website overview screen by selecting / clicking on the related card in the Websites overview screen. Tip: You can quickly navigate to a website by using the S keyboard shortcut to bring up the quick search dialog.

  2. Verify the environment you want to apply the change, Production or Staging by checking out the currently selected environment in the navigation bar.

  3. Click on the Settings menu.

  4. Select the desired PHP version from the PHP Engine menu.

  5. Click Switch to make the change. Changes will take effect in a few minutes.

Note that before changing your website's PHP version, it is recommended to first check for potential compatibility issues.  New PHP versions might introduce changes that are not compatible with older ones and this can lead to theme or plugin issues. 

You can use your staging environment to test these potential compatibility issues and fix them before switching the PHP version on the production environment. 

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